What's On

Keep up to date with what's going on at Studio29

Events we will be supporting and upcoming news

Charities we will be supporting this year

Please keep an eye on our social media pages for dates and events coming up...

Upcoming Workshops

Summer Production

2024  Showcase!!!


It's official!! We have a show date!

 We're so excited to be performing our showcase at the Robin Hood Theatre again this year.

Details so far:

Dress/Tech Run =  Sat 22nd June

Show Date = Sat 29th June

Show Time = 10:30am and 1:30pm

 Tickets will be on sale earlier this year to help spread out the costs. These will be open to friends and family members first. 

We can't wait to start our show pieces It's not too late to join our groups - if you'd like to be part of our show please do contact us asap (as we will be starting show prep soon!)

Summer Production 2023

Our summer production of Matilda Jr was a huge success!
Stay tuned for the announcement of our next show